Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Homemade Pizza Crust

It's a new year and another opportunity to use my bread maker. Today I made my own pizza crust. I love knowing exactly what we're eating and I love using kitchen equipment.

After working backwards from what time that I wanted the family to eat dinner to figure out when I needed to prepare my pizza crust, I put all of my ingredients together in the bread maker. I punched in the correct code and my crust was in the making!

Fast-forward to the dough being ready. I took it out of the bread maker and plopped in onto a floured countertop and rolled it out to fit my sheet pan. I prepped the toppings, popped it into the oven and 19 minutes later dinner was ready. Preparing you own pizza dough using a bread maker is sooooo much easier that rolls (see posting from 12.24).

Next time I'll be sure to leave more crust. I loved that the pizza crust was chewy yet firm enough to pick up without all of the ingredients sliding off. And, the crunchy edges were the best!