Saturday, June 26, 2010

Skills Training

I'm still new to blogging. I can't figure out how to change a layout of an entry. I'm not a writer. I've been adding posts with photos from the past and it's evident that I paid no attention to taking the actual photograph. I wasn't thinking about making the food look good or if the lighting was nice. I've been only more aware of this recently. Hopefully you'll see better visual images in the future, that is, if I ever share my 3-day blogging secret with any one.

Food for thought: If I'm going to continue with a food blog, I should hit up some yard sales for some cool-looking plates, table clothes and baskets.

Question to self: Should I only post photos of food I've prepared or also food I've encountered and taken a decent photo of?


  1. I am following your blog now and the photos are making me hungry!

  2. Please post photos of food you have prepared and food that you've encountered. Gives the rest of us something to aspire to!


    Lynn, who just found out about your blog from a friend on a book group.
