Saturday, July 24, 2010

Scrambled Egg in Potato Nest

I could spend hours looking at recipes on-line. Some nights I actually do! I stumbled upon this breakfast recipe and decided to try it. It was so nice and easy...and delicious!

I grated a fresh organic russet potato, instead of using store-bought hashbrowns. I used organic pastured eggs and chives. Instead of American cheese I substituted yellow cheddar. The outcome of a handful of ingredients turned into a wonderful breakfast with a great presentation! And, it cost next to nothing!


  1. You have got to be kidding me. I hope you are working on compiling your first cookbook.

  2. I'm just following other people's recipes.

  3. You totally made it your own. All recipes start with someone else's idea at this point in culinary history.

  4. Um, when are you coming over to my house to make me breakfast?
