Sunday, August 26, 2012

Oatmeal Muffins

I've been mentally preparing for the start of school.  Last school year my wonderful husband got our son dressed, fed and drove him to preschool almost every morning since I was tending to our newborn daughter.  I know, I know...I'm spoiled.  This year, however, things are going to change.  My husband might not be working from home for much longer and he won't have the flexibility to execute our mornings as he had before.  I'm actually going to have to wake up and get myself and two children out the door and to a destination by 9am!  Yikes!  How do working parents do it?!  I used to have a job that required me to be there by 5am, but that changed after having my son.  Now I'm struggling to get out the door by 8:50am (we live a mile from the preschool). preparation for my future early mornings, I'm trying to be proactive and think of ways to get us out the door with minimal struggles.  Part of that preparation is getting a healthy, minimally process breakfast into my little guy.  This is my way of easing into Full-Day Kindergarten next year when I'll be making breakfast, packing a lunch and I'll be returning to the workforce full-time (maybe). 

So here's a nutritious breakfast that can be made the night before and frozen if desired.  It's packed full of ingredients you won't fill guilty about giving to your children.  This recipe is also versatile.  I used mini chocolate chips in mine, but you can use cranberries, raisins, butterscotch chips, etc.  Since these are not sweet, spices need to be used to add flavor.  Cinnamon, nutmeg, pumpkin pie spice...

My husband thought they were good, but he could tell they were "healthy" from the lack of sugar.  So there you go, sweeten it up however you'd like.

I should probably mention that I found this recipe on Pinterest.   

  • 3 ripe banana, mashed
  • 1 cup milk (you can use vanilla almond milk for sweetness)
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tbsp baking powder
  • 3 cups rolled oats
  • 1 tbsp vanilla extract
  • 4 tbsp mini chocolate chips + more for garnish
  • 2 tsp cinnamon
  • 2 tsp nutmeg

1.  Preheat oven to 375 degrees
2.  Mix all ingredients except the chocolate chips together, and let sit while you prepare the muffin pans.
3.  Spray a muffin pan and/or liners with with non-stick spray.
4.  Stir the chocolate chips into the oatmeal batter.
5.  Divide batter into 15-16 muffin cups. They should be almost full.
6.  Bake 25 minutes, you’ll see the edges just starting to brown and are firm to the touch.

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